The Impact of Inflation on Stocks, Bonds, and Cash

The inflation fears are rising in the market and we are releasing this video to help you to better understand how inflation works and the impact that is has on stock, bonds, and cash. In this video we will go over:
· How inflation works
· Recent inflation trends that are spooking the markets
· Do we have to worry about hyperinflation like in the 80’s
· How stocks perform in inflationary environments
· The risk to bonds in inflationary environments
· How cash melts due to inflation
· The Feds reaction to inflation
· Inflation conspiracy theories that are building momentum

About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
When parents gift money to their kids, instead of having the money sit in a savings account, often parents will set up UTMA accounts at an investment firm to generate investment returns in the account that can be used by the child at a future date. Depending on the amount of the investment income, the child may be required to file a tax return.
When a business owner sells their business and is looking for a large tax deduction and has charitable intent, a common solution is setting up a private foundation to capture a large tax deduction. In this video, we will cover how foundations work, what is the minimum funding amount, the tax benefits, how the foundation is funded, and more…….
There is a little-known, very lucrative New York State Tax Credit that came into existence within the past few years for individuals who wish to make charitable donations to their SUNY college of choice through the SUNY Impact Foundation. The tax credit is so large that individuals who make a $10,000 donation to the SUNY Impact Foundation can receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit of $8,500 whether they take the standard deduction or itemize on their tax return. This results in a windfall of cash to pre-selected athletic programs and academic programs by the donor at their SUNY college of choice, with very little true out-of-pocket cost to the donors themselves once the tax credit is factored in.
It seems as though the likely outcome of the 2024 presidential elections will be a Trump win, and potentially full control of the Senate and House by the Republicans to complete the “full sweep”. As I write this article at 6am the day after election day, it looks like Trump will be president, the Senate will be controlled by the Republicans, and the House is too close to call. If the Republicans complete the full sweep, there is a higher probability that the tax law changes that Trump proposed on his campaign trail will be passed by Congress and signed into law as early as 2025.
Due to changes in the tax laws, fewer individuals are now able to capture a tax deduction for their charitable contributions. In an effort to recapture the tax deduction, more individuals are setting up Donor Advised Funds at Fidelity and Vanguard to take full advantage of the tax deduction associated with giving to a charity, church, college, or other not-for-profit organizations.
Self-employed individuals have a lot of options when it comes to deducting expenses for their vehicle to offset income from the business. In this video we are going to review:
1) What vehicle expenses can be deducted: Mileage, insurance, payments, registration, etc.
2) Business Use Percentage
3) Buying vs Leasing a Car Deduction Options
4) Mileage Deduction Calculation
5) How Depreciation and Bonus Depreciation Works
6) Depreciation recapture tax trap
7) Can you buy a Ferreri through the business and deduct it? (luxury cars)
8) Tax impact if you get into an accident and total the vehicle
Picking the right stocks to invest in is not an easy process but all too often I see retail investors make the mistake of narrowing their investment research to just stocks that pay dividends. This is a common mistake that investors make and, in this article, we are going to cover the total return approach versus the dividend payor approach to investing.
There is a sea change happening in the investment industry where the inflows into ETF’s are rapidly outpacing the inflows into mutual funds. When comparing ETFs to mutual funds, ETFs sometimes offer more tax efficiency, trade flexibility, a wider array of investment strategies, and in certain cases lower trading costs and expense ratios which has led to their rise in popularity among investors. But there are also some risks associated with ETFs that not all investors are aware of……..
While pre-tax contributions are typically the 401(k) contribution of choice for most high-income earners, there are a few situations where individuals with big incomes should make their deferrals contribution all in Roth dollars and forgo the immediate tax deduction.
There has been a lot of confusion surrounding the required minimum distribution (RMD) rules for non-spouse, beneficiaries that inherited IRAs and 401(k) accounts subject to the new 10 Year Rule. This has left many non-spouse beneficiaries questioning whether or not they are required to take an RMD from their inherited retirement account prior to December 31, 2023. Here is the timeline of events leading up to that answer