Big FAFSA Calculation & Application Changes Starting in 2023
Parents that are used to completing the FAFSA application for their children are in for a few big surprises starting in 2023. Not only is the FAFSA application being completely revamped but the FAFSA calculation itself is being changed which could result in substantially lower financial aid awards for many college-bound students.
Parents that are used to completing the FAFSA application for their children are in for a few big surprises starting in 2023. Not only is the FAFSA application being completely revamped but the FAFSA calculation itself is being changed which could result in substantially lower financial aid awards for many college-bound students.
FAFSA Application Delayed Until December 1st
In 2023, the FAFSA application will not become available for completion until December 1st. Normally the FAFSA application becomes available for completion on October 1st of each year but due to the changes that are being made to the application, software updates, and staff training, they have delayed the release of the FAFSA application for the 2024 – 2025 school year to December 1, 2023. This will reduce the window to time that parents have to submit the FAFSA application in 2023 so advanced preparation is advised.
A Simplified FAFSA Application
Completing the FAFSA application can be a very frustrating process; tons of questions, unclear wording as to what information FAFSA is actually asking parents to report, and you have to spend a lot of time collecting all of your personal financial documents that are needed to enter the information on the FAFSA application.
Fortunately, in 2020, Congress passed the FAFSA Simplification Act which will greatly simplify the FAFSA application in 2023 and years going forward. The old FAFSA application contained 108 questions, the new FAFSA application is only expected to contain 36 questions. In addition to cutting the questions in half, the wording of many of the questions will be amended to make it easier to understand how to report your financial assets. Two very welcome changes to the application.
EFC (Expected Family Contribution) Calculation Removed
In the past, completing the FAFSA application has resulted in an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) amount which is meant to provide a ballpark amount that a family may have to pay out of pocket before need-based financial aid is awarded to a student. The term EFC can be misleading because it’s not necessarily the hard dollar amount that parents will be required to pay out of pocket but rather it’s the family’s financial need relative to other applicants.
To remove this confusion, EFC will now be replaced by SAI (Student Aid Index), so now after parents complete the FAFSA application, it will result in an SAI amount.
Financial Aid Awards Reduced For Multiple Children
Parents that have multiple children in college at the same time may be in for an unfortunate surprise when they see the results of the new SAI calculation. In the past, if a parent completed the FAFSA application and it resulted in an EFC of $30,000, but they had two children in college at the same time, FAFSA would split the $30,000 between the two children, $15,000 each, which would potentially make each student eligible for a higher financial aid award.
Starting the 2024 – 2025 school year, FAFSA will no longer be providing this EFC (SAI) split for multiple children in college. If the FAFSA calculation results in a $30,000 SAI, that $30,000 will now apply to EACH student, instead of being split equally between each child, which could result in lower need-based financial aid awards going forward.
Divorced Parents FAFSA Calculation Change
When parents are divorced, and they have a child attending college, the custodial parent is the parent that submits the FAFSA application based on their income and assets. Historically, the FAFSA definition of the “custodial parent” was the parent that the child lived with for the majority of the 12-month period ending on the day the FAFSA application is filed. This often times created a very favorable financial aid award if the child was living for a majority of the year with the parent that had lower income and assets.
In 2023, for the 2024 – 2025 school year and years going forward, this is changing. The new FAFSA rules require the parent who provided the most financial support in the “prior-prior” tax year to complete the FAFSA application instead of the custodial parent. Prior-prior refers to the tax year 2 years ago from the beginning of the college semester. For the 2024 – 2025 award year, FAFSA would be looking at the 2022 tax year for this determination.
For example, Joe and Sue got divorced 5 years ago, and their daughter Mary is currently a sophomore in college. Sue is a homemaker, Mary lives with her mother for the majority of the year, Joe makes $300,000 per year, and pays Sue $25,000 per year in child support and $40,000 per year in alimony. For the 2023 – 2024, under the old FAFSA calculation, Sue was considered the custodial parent, and completed the FAFSA form using her annual income and assets. Since Joe is not the custodial parent, Joe’s income and assets are ignored for purposes of FAFSA.
For the 2024 – 2025 school year, under the new rules, that would now change. Since Joe is providing a majority of the financial support via child support and alimony payments, Joe would now be the parent required to submit the FAFSA application based on his income and assets. Since Joe’s income is substantially higher than Sue’s, it could result in a much lower college financial aid award.
There has been some initial guidance, that if there is a “tie” as to which parent provided the majority of the financial support, the ties are broken based on whichever parent has the higher adjusted gross income.
Changes to Pell Grants
One of the largest sources of need-based financial aid from the federal government is awarded via Pell Grants. For the 2024 – 2025 school year, the maximum Pell Grant amount has been increased but they have changed how the Pell Grant is calculated. The Pell Grant takes into account both the SAI result (new EFC) and the applicant’s adjusted gross income. Since the calculation of the SAI has changed, for reasons that we have already discussed, it could impact the amount of the Pell Grants awarded to students.
As a new benefit, parents will now be able to determine if their child will be eligible for a Pell Grant award based on income and family size before they even complete the FAFSA form.
Grandparent 529 Penalty Removed
A positive change that they made was eliminating the restriction associated with distributing money from a 529 account owned by a grandparent for the benefit of the grandchild. Previously, if distributions were made from a grandparent owned 529 accounts, those distributions were considered “income of the student” in the FAFSA calculation, which could dramatically reduce the financial aid awards in future years. The new legislation removed this restriction and made grandparent owned 529 accounts even more valuable than they were prior to this change.
Income Protection Allowance Increased
The FAFSA calculation has income thresholds that exclude specific amounts of income of both the parents and the child in the calculation of the Student Aid Index. Those income exclusion allowances have been increased starting in the 2024 – 2025 school year. For example, the income allowance for students for the 2023 – 2024 school year was $7,040, meaning a student could earn up to $7,040 without their income factoring into the FAFSA calculation. For the 2024 – 2025 school year, the student income allowance will be $9,410.
The income protection allowance for parents will be increased by about 20%.
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
Grandparent Owned 529 Accounts Just Got Better
A 529 account owned by a grandparent is often considered one of the most effective ways to save for college for a grandchild. But in 2023, the rules are changing………
Grandparent Owned 529 Accounts Just Got Better
A 529 account owned by a grandparent is often considered one of the most effective ways to save for college for a student. Mainly because 529 accounts owned by the grandparents are invisible to the college financial aid calculation (FAFSA) when determining the financial aid package that will be awarded to a student. But there is a little-known pitfall about distributions from grandparent owned 529 accounts and the rules are changing in 2023. In this article, we will review:
Advantages of grandparent owned 529 accounts
The FAFSA pitfall of distributions from grandparent owned 529 accounts
The FAFSA two-year lookback period
The change to the 529 rules starting in 2023
Tax deductions for contributions to 529 accounts
What if your grandchild does not go to college?
Paying K – 12 expenses with a 529 account
Pitfall of Grandparent Owned 529 Accounts
Historically, there has been a major issue when grandparents begin distributing money out of these 529 accounts to pay college expenses for their grandchildren which can hurt their financial aid eligibility. While these accounts are invisible to the FAFSA calculation as an asset, in the year that the distribution takes place from a grandparent owned 529 account, those distributions now count as “income of the student” in the year that the distribution takes place. Income of the student counts heavily against the need-based financial aid award. Currently, any income of the student above the $7,040 threshold counts 50% against the financial aid award.
For example, if a grandparent distributes $30,000 from the 529 account to pay college expenses for the grandchild, in that determination year, assuming the child has no other income, that distribution could reduce the financial aid award two years later by $11,480.
FAFSA Two-Year Lookback
FAFSA has a two-year lookback for purposes of determining income in the EFC calculation (expected family contribution), so the family doesn’t realize the misstep until two years later. For example, if the distribution takes place in the fall of the student’s freshman year, the financial aid package would not be reduced until the fall of their junior year.
Since we are aware of this income two-year lookback rule, the workaround has been to advise grandparents not to distribute money from the 529 accounts until the spring of their sophomore year. If the child graduates in four years by the time they are submitting the FAFSA application for their senior year, that determination year that 529 distribution took place is no longer in play.
Quick Note: All of this only matters if the student qualifies for need-based financial aid. If the student, through their parent’s FAFSA application, does not qualify for any need-based financial aid, then the impact of these distributions from the grandparent owned 529 accounts is irrelevant because they were not receiving any financial aid anyways.
New Rules Starting in 2023
But the rules are changing starting in 2023 to make these grandparent owned 529 accounts even more advantageous. Under the new rules, distribution from grandparent owned 529 account will no longer count as income of the student. These 529 accounts owned by the grandparents are now completely invisible to the FAFSA calculation for both assets and income, which makes them even more valuable.
Tax Deduction For 529 Contributions
There can also be tax benefits for grandparents contributing to 529 accounts for their grandkids. Certain states allow state income tax deductions for contributions up to a certain thresholds. In New York State, there is a $5,000 state tax deduction for single filers and a $10,000 deduction for joint filers each tax year. The amounts vary from state to state and some states have no deduction, so you have to do your homework.
What If The Grandchild Does Not Go To College?
What happens if you fund this 529 account for your grandchild but then they decide not to go to college? There are a few options here. The grandparent can change the beneficiary of the account to another grandchild or family member. The second option, you can just take a distribution of the account balance. If the balance is distributed but it’s not used for college expenses, the contribution amounts are returned tax and penalty-free but the earnings portion of the account is subject to ordinary income taxes and a 10% penalty since it wasn’t used for qualified college expenses.
K - 12 Qualified Expenses
The federal government made changes to the tax rules in 2017 which also allow up to $10,000 per year to be distributed from 529 accounts for K - 12 expenses. If you have grandchildren that are attending a private k -12 school, this is another way for grandparents to potentially capture a tax deduction, and help pay those expenses.
However, and this is very important, while the federal government recognizes the K – 12 $10,000 per year as a qualified distribution, the states which sponsor these 529 plans may not adhere to those same rules. In fact, in New York State, not only does New York not recognize K – 12 expenses as “qualified expenses” for purposes of distributions from a 529 account, but these nonqualified withdrawals also require a recapture of any New York State tax benefits that have accrued on the contributions. Double ouch!! These rules vary state by state so you have to do your homework before paying K – 12 expenses out of a 529 account.
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
Potential investors of 529 plans may get more favorable tax benefits from 529 plans sponsored by their own state. Consult your tax professional for how 529 tax treatments and account fees would apply to your particular situation. To determine which college saving option is right for you, please consult your tax and accounting advisors. Neither APFS nor its affiliates or financial professionals provide tax, legal or accounting advice. Please carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses before investing. For this and other information about municipal fund securities, please obtain an offering statement and read it carefully before you invest. Investments in 529 college savings plans are neither FDIC insured nor guaranteed and may lose value.