Should I Establish A Power of Attorney?
There are three key estate documents that everyone should have: Will, Health Proxy, Power of Attorney, If you have dependents, such as a spouse or children, the statement above graduates from “should have” to “need to
There are three key estate documents that everyone should have:
Health Proxy
Power of Attorney
If you have dependents, such as a spouse or children, the statement above graduates from “should have” to “need to have in place.” The power of attorney document allows someone that you designate to act on your behalf if you are rendered incapacitated such as a car accident, illness, or as you become become more frail later in life.
What happens if I'm in a car accident?
If I have a wife and kids and one day I end up in a car accident and end up in a coma, without a power of attorney in place, not even my wife would be able to access accounts that are solely in my name such as bank accounts, retirement accounts, or creditors. It could put my family in a very difficult situation if my wife is unable to access certain accounts to pay bills or withdraw money to pay for my medical bills while I am recovering. If I establish a Power of Attorney with my wife listed as the POA (Power of Attorney), if I become incapacitated, she can use that document to access all of my accounts as if she were me.
Protecting Against Long Term Care Event
While this a valid example, the Power of Attorney document is more frequently used when elderly individuals experience a long term care event and they are no longer able to manage their finances. The POA gives the designated person the power to make gifts, setup trusts, or implement other wealth preservation strategies to prevent the total depletion of your assets due to the expenses associated with the long term care event.
What happens if you don’t have a power of attorney?
From working with individuals that have been in these situations, it’s ugly. Very ugly. Instead of a trusted person being able to step in and act on your behalf, without a POA your family or friends would need to initiate a guardianship proceeding, wherein the individual is declared incapacitated and a guardian is appointed by the court to manage their financial affairs. The largest drawback of a guardianship proceeding is time and money. It can often times cost more that $15,000 to complete a guardianship processing when taking into account court fees, attorney fees, court evaluations, and bonding fees. In addition and arguably more importantly, you have no control over who the court will decide to appoint as your guardian and that individual will have full control over your finances. You know your family and friends best. Ask yourself this, wouldn’t you prefer to appoint the individual that you trust to carry out your wishes? If the answer is “yes”, then you should strongly consider putting a power of attorney in place.
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
Financial Planning To Do's For A Family
My wife and I just added our first child to the family so this is a topic that has been weighing on my mind over the last 40 weeks. I will share just one non-financial takeaway from the entire experience. The global population may be much lower if men had to go through what women do. That being said, this article is meant to be a guideline for some of the important financial items to consider with children. Worrying about your children will never end and being comfortable with the financial aspects of parenthood may allow you to worry a little less and be able to enjoy the time you have with the
My wife and I just added our first child to the family so this is a topic that has been weighing on my mind over the last 40 weeks. I will share just one non-financial takeaway from the entire experience. The global population may be much lower if men had to go through what women do. That being said, this article is meant to be a guideline for some of the important financial items to consider with children. Worrying about your children will never end and being comfortable with the financial aspects of parenthood may allow you to worry a little less and be able to enjoy the time you have with them.
There is a lot of information to take into consideration when putting together a financial plan and the larger your family the more pieces to the puzzle. It is important to set goals and celebrate them when they are met. Everything cannot be done in a day, a week, or a month, so creating a task list to knock off one by one is usually an effective approach. Using relatives, friends, and professionals as resources is important to know what should be on that list for topics you aren’t familiar with.
Create a Budget
It may seem tedious but this is one of the most important pieces of a family’s financial plan. You don’t have to track every dollar coming in and out but having a detailed breakdown on where your money is being spent is necessary in putting together a plan. This simple Expense Planner can serve as a guideline in starting your budget. If you don’t have an accurate idea of where your money is being spent then you can’t know where you can cut back or afford to spend more if needed. Also, the budget is a great topic during a romantic dinner.
You will always want to have 4-6 months expenses saved up and accessible in case a job is lost or someone becomes disabled and cannot work. Having an accurate budget will help you determine how much money you should have liquid.
You want to be sure you are sufficiently covered if anything ever happened. One terrible event could leave your family in a situation that may have been avoidable. Insurance is also something you want to take care of as soon as possible so you know the coverage is there if needed.
Health Insurance
Research the policies that are available to you and determine which option may be the most appropriate in your situation. It is important to know the medical needs of your family when making this decision.
Turning one spouse’s single coverage into family coverage is one of the more common ways people obtain coverage for a family. Insurance companies will usually only allow changes to policies through open enrollment or when a “qualifying event” occurs. Having a child is usually a qualifying event but this may only allow the child to be added to one’s coverage, not the spouse. If that is the case, the spouse will want to make sure they have their own coverage until they can be added to the family plan.
It is important to use the resources available to you and consult with your health insurance provider on the ins and outs. If neither spouse has coverage through work, the exchange can be a resource for information and an option to obtain coverage (https://www.healthcare.gov/).
Life Insurance
The majority of people will obtain Term Life Insurance as it is a cost effective way to cover the needs of your family. Life insurance policies have an extensive underwriting process so the sooner you start the sooner you will be covered if anything ever happened. How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?, is an article that may help answer the question regarding the amount of life insurance sufficient for you.
Disability Insurance
The probability of using disability insurance is likely more than that of life insurance. Like life insurance, there is usually a long underwriting process to obtain coverage. Disability insurance is important as it will provide income for your family if you were unable to work. Below are some terms that may be helpful when inquiring about these policies.
Own Occupation – means that insurance will turn on if you are unable to perform YOUR occupation. “Any Occupation” is usually cheaper but means that insurance will only turn on if you can prove you can’t do ANY job.
60% Monthly Income – this represents the amount of the benefit. In this example, you will receive 60% of your current income. It is likely not taxable so the net pay to you may be similar to your paycheck. You can obtain more or less but 60% monthly income is a common benefit amount.
90 Day Elimination Period – this means the benefit won’t start until 90 days of being disabled. This period can usually be longer or shorter.
Cost of Living or Inflation Rider – means the benefit amount will increase after a certain time period or as your salary increases.
Wills, POA’s, Health Proxies
These are important documents to have in place to avoid putting the weight of making difficult decisions on your loved ones. There are generic templates that will suffice for most people but it is starting the process that is usually the most difficult. “What Is The Process Of Setting Up A Will?, is an article that may help you start.
College Savings
The cost of higher education is increasing at a rapid rate and has become a financial burden on a lot of parents looking to pick up the tab for their kids. 529 accounts are a great way to start saving early. There are state tax benefits to parents in some states (including NYS) and if the money is spent on tuition, books, or room and board, the gain from the investments is tax free. Roth IRA’s are another investment vehicle that can be used for college but for someone to contribute to a Roth IRA they must have earned income. Therefore, a newborn wouldn’t be able to open a Roth IRA. Since the gain in 529’s is tax free if used for college, the earlier the dollars go into the account the longer they have to potentially earn income from the market.
529’s can also be opened by anyone, not just the parents. So if the child has a grandparent that likes buying savings bonds or a relative that keeps purchasing clothes the child will wear once, maybe have them contribute to a 529. The contribution would then be eligible for the tax deduction to the contributor if available in the state.
Below is a chart of the increasing college costs along with links to information on college planning.
About Rob……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
What is the Process for Setting Up a Will?
Creating a will is often a task that everyone knows they should do but it gets put on the back burner. Creating a will is one of the most critical things you can do for your loved ones. Putting your wishes on paper helps your heirs avoid unnecessary hassles, and you gain the peace of mind knowing that a life's worth of possessions will end up in the right
Creating a will is often a task that everyone knows they should do but it gets put on the back burner. Creating a will is one of the most critical things you can do for your loved ones. Putting your wishes on paper helps your heirs avoid unnecessary hassles, and you gain the peace of mind knowing that a life's worth of possessions will end up in the right hands. But before for you do, it helps to know the overall process of setting up a will to save you time and money.
What is a will?
A will is simply a legal document in which you, the testator, declare who will manage your estate after you die. Your estate can consist of big, expensive things such as a vacation home but also small items that might hold sentimental value such as photographs. The person named in the will to manage your estate is called the executor because he or she executes your stated wishes. Sometimes though, people get confused by this and aren't too sure what the meaning of an executor.
A will can also serve to declare who you wish to become the guardian for any minor children or dependents, and who you want to receive specific items that you own - Aunt Sally gets the silver, Cousin Billy the bone china, and so on. Someone designated to receive any of your property is called a "beneficiary."
Some types of property, including certain insurance policies and retirement accounts, generally aren't covered by wills. You should've listed beneficiaries when you took out the policies or opened the accounts. Check if you can't remember, and make sure you keep beneficiaries up to date, since what you have on file when you die should dictate who receives those assets.
What happens if I die without a will?
If you die without a valid will, you'll become what's called intestate. That usually means your estate will be settled based on the laws of your state that outline who inherits what. Probate is the legal process of transferring the property of a deceased person to the rightful heirs.
Since no executor was named, a judge appoints an administrator to serve in that capacity. An administrator also will be named if a will is deemed to be invalid. All wills must meet certain standards such as being witnessed to be legally valid. Again, requirements vary from state to state.
An administrator will most likely be a stranger to you and your family, and he or she will be bound by the letter of the probate laws of your state. As such, an administrator may make decisions that wouldn't necessarily agree with your wishes or those of your heirs.
Do I need an attorney to prepare my will?
No, you aren't required to hire a lawyer to prepare your will, though an experienced attorney can provide useful advice on estate-planning strategies such as establishing testamentary, revocable, and irrevocable trusts. But as long as your will meets the legal requirements of your state, it's valid whether a lawyer drafted it or you wrote it yourself on the back of a napkin.
Do-it-yourself will kits are widely available online which are of course better than nothing but we usually recommend that our clients at least have an attorney review their will and make sure the specifications in their will match their wishes.
Should my spouse and I have a joint will or separate wills?
Estate planners almost universally advise against joint wills, and some states don't even recognize them. Odds are you and your spouse won't die at the same time, and there's probably property that's not jointly held. That's why separate wills make better sense, even though your will and your spouse's will might end up looking remarkably similar.
In particular, separate wills allow for each spouse to address issues such as ex-spouses and children from previous relationships. Ditto for property that was obtained during a previous marriage. Be very clear about who gets what. Probate laws generally favor the current spouse.
Who should I name as my executor?
You can name your spouse, an adult child, or another trusted friend or relative as your executor. If your affairs are complicated, it might make more sense to name an attorney or someone with legal and financial expertise. You can also name joint executors, such as your spouse or partner and your attorney.
One of the most important things your will can do is empower your executor to pay your bills and deal with debt collectors. Make sure the wording of your will allows for this, and also gives your executor leeway to take care of any related issues that aren't specifically outlined in your will.
How do I leave specific items to specific heirs?
If you wish to leave certain personal property to certain heirs, indicate as much in your will. In addition, you can create a separate document called a letter of instruction that you should keep with your will.
A letter of instruction, which isn't legally binding in some states, can be written more informally than a will and can go into detail about which items go to whom. You can also include specifics about any number of things that will help your executor settle your estate including account numbers, passwords and even burial instructions.
Another option is to leave everything to one trusted person who knows your wishes for distributing your personal items. This, of course, is risky because you're relying on this person to honor your intentions without fail. Consider carefully.
Who has the right to contest my will?
Contesting a will refers to challenging the legal validity of all or part of the document. A beneficiary who feels slighted by the terms of a will might choose to contest it. Depending on which state you live in, so too might a spouse, ex-spouse or child who believes your stated wishes go against local probate laws.
A will can be contested for any number of other reasons: it wasn't properly witnessed; you weren't competent when you signed it; or it's the result of coercion or fraud. It's usually up to a probate judge to settle the dispute. The key to successfully contesting a will is finding legitimate legal fault with it. A clearly drafted and validly executed will is the best defense.
About Michael.........
Hi, I'm Michael Ruger. I'm the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.