Planning for Long Term Care
The number of conversations that we are having with our clients about planning for long term care is increasing exponentially. Whether it’s planning for their parents, planning for themselves, or planning for a relative, our clients are largely initiating these conversations as a result of their own personal experiences.
The number of conversations that we are having with our clients about planning for long term care is increasing exponentially. Whether it’s planning for their parents, planning for themselves, or planning for a relative, our clients are largely initiating these conversations as a result of their own personal experiences.
The baby-boomer generation is the first generation that on a large scale is seeing the ugly aftermath of not having a plan in place to address a long term care event because they are now caring for their aging parents that are in their 80’s and 90’s. Advances in healthcare have allowed us to live longer but the longer we live the more frail we become later in life.
Our clients typically present the following scenario to us: “I have been taking care of my parents for the past three years and we just had to move my dad into the nursing home. What an awful process. How can I make sure that my kids don’t have to go through that same awful experience when I’m my parents age?”
“Planning for long term care is not just about money…….it’s about having a plan”
If there are no plans, your kids or family members are now responsible for trying to figure out “what mom or dad would have wanted”. Now tough decisions need to be made that can poison a relationship between siblings or family members.
Some individuals never create a plan because it involves tough personal decisions. We have to face the reality that at some point in our lives we are going to get older and later in life we may reach a threshold that we may need help from someone else to care for ourselves or our spouse. It’s a tough reality to face but not facing this reality will most likely result in the worst possible outcome if it happens.
Ask yourself this question: “You worked hard all of your life to buy a house, accumulate assets in retirement accounts, etc. If there are assets left over upon your death, would you prefer that those assets go to your kids or to the nursing home?” With some advance planning, you can make sure that your assets are preserved for your heirs.
The most common reason that causes individuals to avoid putting a plan in place is: “I have heard that long term care insurance is too expensive.” I have good news. First, there are other ways to plan for the cost of a long term care event besides using long term care insurance. Second, there are ways to significantly reduce the cost of these policies if designed correctly.
The most common solution is to buy a long term care insurance policy. The way these policies work is if you can no longer perform certain daily functions, the policy pays a set daily benefit. Now a big mistake many people make is when they hear “long term care” they think “nursing home”. In reality, about 80% of long term care is provided right in the home via home health aids and nurses. Most LTC policies cover both types of care. Buying a LTC policy is one of the most effective ways to address this risk but it’s not the only one.
Why does long term care insurance cost more than term life insurance or disability insurance? The answer, most insurance policies insure you against risks that have a low probability of happening but has a high financial impact. Similar to a life insurance policy. There is a very low probability that a 25 year old will die before the age of 60. However, the risk of long term care has a high probability of happening and a high financial impact. According to a study conducted by the U.S Department of Human Health and Services, “more than 70% of Americans over the age of 65 will need long-term care services at some point in their lives”. Meaning, there is a high probability that at some point that insurance policy is going to pay out and the dollars are large. The average daily rate of a nursing home in upstate New York is around $325 per day ($118,625 per year). The cost of home health care ranges greatly but is probably around half that amount.
So what are some of the alternatives besides using long term care insurance? The strategy here is to protect your assets from Medicaid. If you have a long term care event you will be required to spend down all of your assets until you reach the Medicaid asset allowance threshold (approx. $13,000 in assets) before Medicaid will start picking up the tab for your care. Often times we will advise clients to use trusts or gifting strategies to assist them in protecting their assets but this has to be done well in advance of the long term care event. Medicaid has a 5 year look back period which looks at your full 5 year financial history which includes tax returns, bank statements, retirement accounts, etc, to determine if any assets were “given away” within the last 5 years that would need to come back on the table before Medicaid will begin picking up the cost of an individuals long term care costs. A big myth is that Medicare covers the cost of long term care. False, Medicare only covers 100 days following a hospitalization. There are a lot of ins and outs associated with buildings a plan to address the risk of long term care outside of using insurance so it is strongly advised that individuals work with professionals that are well versed in this subject matter when drafting a plan.
An option that is rising in popularity is “semi self-insuring”. Instead of buying a long term care policy that has a $325 per day benefit, an individual can obtain a policy that covers $200 per day. This can dramatically reduce the cost of the LTC policy because it represents less financial risk to the insurance company. You have essentially self insured for a portion of that future risk. The policy will still payout $73,000 per year and the individual will be on the line for $45,625 out of pocket. Versus not having a policy at all and the individual is out of pocket $118,000 in a single year to cover that $325 per day cost.
As you can see there are a number of different options when it come to planning for long term care. It’s about understanding your options and determining which solution is right for your personal financial situation.
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
Small Business Owners: How To Lower The Cost of Health Insurance
As an owner of a small business myself, I’ve had a front row seat to the painful rise of health insurance premiums for our employees over the past decade. Like most of our clients, we evaluate our plan once a year and determine whether or not we should make a change. Everyone knows the game. After running on this hamster wheel for the
As an owner of a small business myself, I’ve had a front row seat to the painful rise of health insurance premiums for our employees over the past decade. Like most of our clients, we evaluate our plan once a year and determine whether or not we should make a change. Everyone knows the game. After running on this hamster wheel for the past decade it led me on a campaign to consult with experts in the health insurance industry to find a better solution for both our firm and for our clients.
The Goal: Find a way to keep the employee health benefits at their current level while at the same time cutting the overall cost to the company. For small business owners reducing the company’s outlay for health insurance costs is a challenge. In many situations, small businesses are the typical small fish in a big pond. As a small fish, they frequently receive less attention from the brokerage community which is more focused on obtaining and maintaining larger plans.
Through our research, we found that there are two key items that can lead to significant cost savings for small businesses. First, understanding how the insurance market operates. Second, understanding the plan design options that exist when restructuring the health insurance benefits for your employees.
Small Fish In A Big Pond
I guess it came as no surprise that there was a positive correlation between the size of the insurance brokerage firm and their focus on the large plan market. Large plans are generally defined as 100+ employees. Smaller employers we found were more likely to obtain insurance through their local chambers of commerce, via a “small business solution teams” within a larger insurance brokerage firm, or they sent their employees directly to the state insurance exchange.
Myth #1: Since I’m a small business, if I get my health insurance plan through the Chamber of Commerce it will be cheaper. I unfortunately discovered that this was not the case in most scenarios. If you are an employer with between 1 – 100 employees you are a “community rated plan”. This means that the premium amount that you pay for a specific plan with a specific provider is the same regardless of whether you have 2 employees or 99 employee because they do not look at your “experience rating” (claims activity) to determine your premium. This also means that it’s the same premium regardless of whether it’s through the Chamber, XYZ Health Insurance Brokers, or John Smith Broker. Most of the brokers have access to the same plans sponsored by the same larger providers in a given geographic region. This was not always the case but the Affordable Care Act really standardized the underwriting process.
The role of your insurance broker is to help you to not only shop the plan once a year but to evaluate the design of your overall health insurance solution. Since small companies usually equal smaller premium dollars for brokers it was not uncommon for us to find that many small business owners just received an email each year from their broker with the new rates, a form to sign to renew, and a “call me with any questions”. Small business owners are usually extremely busy and often times lack the HR staff to really look under the hood of their plan and drive the changes needed to improve the plan from a cost standpoint. The way the insurance brokerage community gets paid is they typically receive a percentage of the annual premiums paid by your company. From talking with individuals in the industry, it’s around 4%. So if a company pays $100,000 per year in premiums for all of their employees, the insurance broker is getting paid $4,000 per year. In return for this compensation the broker is supposed to be advocating for your company. One would hope that for $4,000 per year the broker is at least scheduling a physical meeting with the owner or HR staff to review the plan each year and evaluate the plan design options.
Remember, you are paying your insurance broker to advocate for you and the company. If you do not feel like they are meeting your needs, establishing a new relationship may be the start of your cost savings. There also seemed to be a general theme that bigger is not always better in the insurance brokerage community. If you are a smaller company with under 50 employees, working with smaller brokerage firms may deliver a better overall result.
Plan Design Options
Since the legislation that governs the health insurance industry is in a constant state of flux we found through our research that it is very important to revisit the actual structure of the plan each year. Too many companies have had the same type of plan for 5 years, they have made some small tweaks here and there, but have never taken the time to really evaluate different design options. In other words, you may need to demo the house and start from scratch to uncover true cost savings because the problem may be the actual foundation of the house.
High quality insurance brokers will consult with companies on the actual design of the plan to answer the key question like “what could the company be doing differently other than just comparing the current plan to a similar plan with other insurance providers?” This is a key question that should be asked each year as part of the annual evaluation process.
HRA Accounts
The reason why plan design is so important is that health insurance is not a one size fits all. As the owner of a small business you probably have a general idea as to how frequently and to what extent your employees are accessing their health insurance benefits.
For example, you may have a large concentration of younger employees that rarely utilize their health insurance benefits. In cases like this, a company may choose to change the plan to a high deductible, fund a HRA account for each of the employees, and lower the annual premiums.
HRA stands for “Health Reimbursement Arrangement”. These are IRS approved, 100% employer funded, tax advantage, accounts that reimburses employees for out of pocket medical expenses. For example, let’s say I own a company that has a health insurance plan with no deductible and the company pays $1,000 per month toward the family premium ($12,000 per year). I now replace the plan with a new plan that keeps the coverage the same for the employee, has a $3,000 deductible, and lowers the monthly premium that now only cost the company $800 per month ($9,600 per year). As the employer, I can fund a HRA account for that employee with $3,000 at the beginning of the year which covers the full deductible. If that employee only visits the doctors twice that year and incurs $500 in claims, at the end of the year there will be $2,500 in that HRA account for that employee that the employer can then take back and use for other purposes. The flip side to this example is the employee has a medical event that uses the full $3,000 deductible and the company is now out of pocket $12,600 ($9,600 premiums + $3,000 HRA) instead of $12,000 under the old plan. Think of it as a strategy to “self-insure” up to a given threshold with a stop loss that is covered by the insurance itself. The cost savings with this “semi self-insured” approach could be significant but the company has to conduct a risk / return analysis based on their estimated employee claim rate to determine whether or not it’s a viable option.
This is just one example of the plan design options that are available to companies in an attempt to lower the overall cost of maintaining the plan.
Making The Switch
You are allowed to switch your health insurance provider prior to the plan’s renewal date. However, note that if your current plan has a deductible and your replacement plan also carries a deductible, the employees will not get credit for the deductibles paid under the old plan and will start the new plan at zero. Based on the number of months left in the year and the premium savings it may warrant a “band-aide solution” using HRA, HSA, or Flex Spending Accounts to execute the change prior to the renewal date.
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
Financial Planning To Do's For A Family
My wife and I just added our first child to the family so this is a topic that has been weighing on my mind over the last 40 weeks. I will share just one non-financial takeaway from the entire experience. The global population may be much lower if men had to go through what women do. That being said, this article is meant to be a guideline for some of the important financial items to consider with children. Worrying about your children will never end and being comfortable with the financial aspects of parenthood may allow you to worry a little less and be able to enjoy the time you have with the
My wife and I just added our first child to the family so this is a topic that has been weighing on my mind over the last 40 weeks. I will share just one non-financial takeaway from the entire experience. The global population may be much lower if men had to go through what women do. That being said, this article is meant to be a guideline for some of the important financial items to consider with children. Worrying about your children will never end and being comfortable with the financial aspects of parenthood may allow you to worry a little less and be able to enjoy the time you have with them.
There is a lot of information to take into consideration when putting together a financial plan and the larger your family the more pieces to the puzzle. It is important to set goals and celebrate them when they are met. Everything cannot be done in a day, a week, or a month, so creating a task list to knock off one by one is usually an effective approach. Using relatives, friends, and professionals as resources is important to know what should be on that list for topics you aren’t familiar with.
Create a Budget
It may seem tedious but this is one of the most important pieces of a family’s financial plan. You don’t have to track every dollar coming in and out but having a detailed breakdown on where your money is being spent is necessary in putting together a plan. This simple Expense Planner can serve as a guideline in starting your budget. If you don’t have an accurate idea of where your money is being spent then you can’t know where you can cut back or afford to spend more if needed. Also, the budget is a great topic during a romantic dinner.
You will always want to have 4-6 months expenses saved up and accessible in case a job is lost or someone becomes disabled and cannot work. Having an accurate budget will help you determine how much money you should have liquid.
You want to be sure you are sufficiently covered if anything ever happened. One terrible event could leave your family in a situation that may have been avoidable. Insurance is also something you want to take care of as soon as possible so you know the coverage is there if needed.
Health Insurance
Research the policies that are available to you and determine which option may be the most appropriate in your situation. It is important to know the medical needs of your family when making this decision.
Turning one spouse’s single coverage into family coverage is one of the more common ways people obtain coverage for a family. Insurance companies will usually only allow changes to policies through open enrollment or when a “qualifying event” occurs. Having a child is usually a qualifying event but this may only allow the child to be added to one’s coverage, not the spouse. If that is the case, the spouse will want to make sure they have their own coverage until they can be added to the family plan.
It is important to use the resources available to you and consult with your health insurance provider on the ins and outs. If neither spouse has coverage through work, the exchange can be a resource for information and an option to obtain coverage (https://www.healthcare.gov/).
Life Insurance
The majority of people will obtain Term Life Insurance as it is a cost effective way to cover the needs of your family. Life insurance policies have an extensive underwriting process so the sooner you start the sooner you will be covered if anything ever happened. How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?, is an article that may help answer the question regarding the amount of life insurance sufficient for you.
Disability Insurance
The probability of using disability insurance is likely more than that of life insurance. Like life insurance, there is usually a long underwriting process to obtain coverage. Disability insurance is important as it will provide income for your family if you were unable to work. Below are some terms that may be helpful when inquiring about these policies.
Own Occupation – means that insurance will turn on if you are unable to perform YOUR occupation. “Any Occupation” is usually cheaper but means that insurance will only turn on if you can prove you can’t do ANY job.
60% Monthly Income – this represents the amount of the benefit. In this example, you will receive 60% of your current income. It is likely not taxable so the net pay to you may be similar to your paycheck. You can obtain more or less but 60% monthly income is a common benefit amount.
90 Day Elimination Period – this means the benefit won’t start until 90 days of being disabled. This period can usually be longer or shorter.
Cost of Living or Inflation Rider – means the benefit amount will increase after a certain time period or as your salary increases.
Wills, POA’s, Health Proxies
These are important documents to have in place to avoid putting the weight of making difficult decisions on your loved ones. There are generic templates that will suffice for most people but it is starting the process that is usually the most difficult. “What Is The Process Of Setting Up A Will?, is an article that may help you start.
College Savings
The cost of higher education is increasing at a rapid rate and has become a financial burden on a lot of parents looking to pick up the tab for their kids. 529 accounts are a great way to start saving early. There are state tax benefits to parents in some states (including NYS) and if the money is spent on tuition, books, or room and board, the gain from the investments is tax free. Roth IRA’s are another investment vehicle that can be used for college but for someone to contribute to a Roth IRA they must have earned income. Therefore, a newborn wouldn’t be able to open a Roth IRA. Since the gain in 529’s is tax free if used for college, the earlier the dollars go into the account the longer they have to potentially earn income from the market.
529’s can also be opened by anyone, not just the parents. So if the child has a grandparent that likes buying savings bonds or a relative that keeps purchasing clothes the child will wear once, maybe have them contribute to a 529. The contribution would then be eligible for the tax deduction to the contributor if available in the state.
Below is a chart of the increasing college costs along with links to information on college planning.
About Rob……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
First Time Homebuyer Tips
Buying your first home is one of life’s milestones that everyone should have the opportunity to experience if they choose. Owning a home gives you a feeling of accomplishment and as you make payments a portion is going to your personal net worth rather than a landlord. The process is exciting but one surefire piece of information that I wish I
Buying your first home is one of life’s milestones that everyone should have the opportunity to experience if they choose. Owning a home gives you a feeling of accomplishment and as you make payments a portion is going to your personal net worth rather than a landlord. The process is exciting but one surefire piece of information that I wish I knew when buying my first home is that you will come across surprises. Whether it be a delay in closing, an issue with financing, or closing costs being higher than expected, it is important to know that you can do all the preparation possible and still be hit in the face with some setbacks.
This article will not only touch on some of the important considerations when buying your first home but will give examples of possible setbacks and how to avoid them.
Know Your Number
The most important piece of information to have when purchasing your home is how much you can spend. The purchase of your home should not be the only goal to consider. All of your other financial objectives such as paying off debt (i.e. college and unsecured) and saving for retirement must be taken into consideration. Also, it is recommended you have an emergency fund in place that would cover at least 4 months of your fixed expenses in case something happens with your job or some other event occurs. Knowing your number does not only include what you can afford today but how much you can afford monthly moving forward. If your monthly cash flow becomes dangerously low or negative with the addition of a mortgage payment (including mortgage/property taxes/homeowners), the house may be too expensive.
NOTE: Just because you are preapproved for a certain amount does not mean you need to spend that amount.
Choose An Agent You Trust
You will be spending a lot of time with your agent so choose them wisely. It should be someone you get along with and someone you can trust will look out for your best interests. If your agent just cares about receiving a commission, they may push you to purchase a home before looking at all of your options or buying a home you can’t afford. Remember, you are the client and therefore should be treated as such.
NOTE: Just because you never physically cut a check to your real estate agent doesn’t mean you aren’t paying them. In a typical transaction the seller will pay the commissions. An agreed upon percentage will come out of the sales proceeds and go to both real estate agents (the buyer’s and the seller’s) and therefore the cost is built into the price you pay.
Use Your Agent As An Asset
Your agent is likely much more knowledgeable about home buying than you so use that knowledge to your benefit. The agent should be able to help you value homes and determine whether the house is fairly priced. Ask them as many questions as possible throughout the entire process.
On The Fence
If you are on the fence whether or not to buy a home then take your time. If you may relocate because of your job or family don’t jump into purchasing a home. It is not worth paying the closing costs and going through the hassle of home buying if you may move in the near future. We typically use the “5 Year Rule” when making the determination. If you don’t see yourself being in the house for at least 5 years you should consider whether or not you will get your money back when you sell.
Compare Lenders
The banking industry is extremely competitive and it is worth shopping around for the best offer when choosing a mortgage provider. If you aren’t comfortable with numbers, don’t be afraid to ask for help. A difference of 0.10% on a 30 year mortgage could be the difference of thousands of dollars wasted on interest.
Don’t Cheap Out On Homeowners
Don’t choose your homeowners policy based on price. Of course price is one of the considerations but it is not the only one. Make sure your policy is the most comprehensive you can comfortably afford as the cost of increased premiums is likely much less than the cost of coming out of pocket for something not covered. Remember, insurance companies, like banks, are in a competitive industry so shop around.
Down Payment
Most lenders require a 20% down payment of the home value to avoid paying additional costs. This means if the value of the home is $200,000, you will have to pay $40,000 out of pocket! Most lenders offer Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans that allow you to put down as little as 3.5%. If you choose this type of loan you also have to purchase Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). This will be a cost added to your mortgage payment until the value of your home is adequate enough to remove the PMI. It is important to factor this in as a cost similar to interest because a 5% interest rate could quickly look like 6-7% if you have to pay PMI.
Closing And Other Additional Costs
There are a lot of out of pocket costs to consider when purchasing a home. Examples of these costs are listed below. An important piece of knowing your number is to consider all the costs that may come up during the process.
Loan Origination Fee
Attorney Fees
Property Taxes
Home Owners Insurance
Appraisal Fee
Inspection Fee
Title Insurance
Recording Fee
Government Recording Charges
Credit Report Fee
Flood Determination Fee
How To Help Avoid Certain Complications
Situation: I bought a house at the top of my budget that I thought was move in ready but needs repairs.
Recommendation: Choose an inspector that has a great reputation and knows the location. There may be issues that are common to the area that one inspector may be more likely to identify. Also, bring a contractor or someone of similar background for a walk through. Repairs can be extremely costly and if you purchased a home at the top end of your budget you may not be able to afford certain fixes. It should be known that all issues cannot be foreseen but taking the necessary steps to diminish these situations will not hurt. Don’t purchase a home that will bankrupt you if repairs need to be done.
Situation: I bought a home I can’t fill.
Recommendation: Closing costs and repairs won’t be the only out of pocket expenses. Complete a summary of items you think you may need to buy after the purchase. This may include furniture, appliances, décor, and fixtures. In these situations it is always better to overestimate.
Situation: My lease is up in a month and I would like to purchase a home.
Recommendation: Purchasing a home is something that requires time and planning. The home will likely be the largest purchase you’ve ever made (depending on the college you choose) so it is not something to rush. If you are thinking of moving after your lease is up or when you relocate jobs, start planning as soon as possible. Feeling forced into purchasing something as important as a home will likely lead to regrets.
About Rob……...
Hi, I’m Rob Mangold. I’m the Chief Operating Officer at Greenbush Financial Group and a contributor to the Money Smart Board blog. We created the blog to provide strategies that will help our readers personally , professionally, and financially. Our blog is meant to be a resource. If there are questions that you need answered, pleas feel free to join in on the discussion or contact me directly.
How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?
Do you even need life insurance? If you have dependants to protect and you do not have enough savings, you will most likely need life insurance. But the question is how much should I have? Well, your home will be one of your biggest assets, and in some cases the money that it makes from its sale when you have passed away is a significant inheritance
Do you even need life insurance? If you have dependants to protect and you do not have enough savings, you will most likely need life insurance. But the question is how much should I have? Well, your home will be one of your biggest assets, and in some cases the money that it makes from its sale when you have passed away is a significant inheritance for your children.
If you do not have dependents or you have enough savings to cover the current and future expenses for your dependents there really is no need for life insurance. Life insurance sales professional can be very aggressive with their sales tactics and sometime they mask their services as "financial planning" but all of their solutions lead to you buying an expensive whole life insurance policy.
Remember, life insurance is simply a transfer of risk. When you are younger, have a family, a mortgage, and are just starting to accumulate assets, the amount of life insurance coverage is usually at its greatest. But as your children grow up, they finish college, you pay your mortgage, you have no debt, and you have accumulated a good amount in retirement savings, your need to transfer that risk diminishes because you have essentially become self-insured. Just because you had a $1M dollar life insurance policy issued 10 years ago does not mean that is the amount you need now.
Which kind of insurance should you get?
It's our opinion that for most individuals term insurance makes the most sense. Insurance agents are always very eager to sell whole life, variable life, and universal life policies. Why? They pay big commissions!! When you compare a $1M 30 year term policy and a $1M Whole Life policy side by side, often times the annual premium for whole life insurance is 10 times that amount of the term insurance policy. Insurance agents will tout that the whole life policy has cash value, you can take loans, and that it's a tax deferred savings vehicle. But often time when you compare that to: "If I just bought the cheaper term insurance and did something else with the money I would have spent on the more expensive whole life policy such as additional pre-tax retirement savings, college savings for the kids, paying down the mortgage, or setting up an investment management account, at the end of the day I'm in a much better spot financially."
How much life insurance do you need?
The most common rule of thumb that I hear is "10 times my annual salary". Please throw that out the window. The amount of insurance you need varies greatly from individual to individual. The calculation to reach the answer is fairly straight forward. Below is the approach we take with our clients:
How much debt do you have? This includes mortgages, car loans, personal loans, credit cards, etc. Your total debt amount is your starting point.
What are your annual expenses? Just create a quick list of your monthly expenses, they do not have to be exact, and our recommendation is to estimate on the high side just to be safe. Then multiply your monthly expense by 12 months to reach your "annual after tax expenses".
How much monthly income do you have to replace? If you are married, we have to look at the income of each spouse. If your monthly expenses are $50,000 per year and the husband earns $30,000 and the wife earns $80,000, we are going to need more insurance on the wife because we have to replace $80,000 per year in income if she were to pass away unexpectedly. Married couples make the mistake of getting the same face value of insurance just because. Look at it from an income replacement standpoint. If you are a single parent or provider, you will just look at the amount of income that is needed to meet the anticipated monthly expenses for your dependents.
Factor in long term savings goals and expenses. Examples of this are the college cost for your children and the annual retirement savings for the surviving spouse.
Husband: Age 40: Annual Income $70,000
Wife: Age 41: Annual Income $70,000
Children: Age 13 & 10
Total Outstanding Debt with Mortgage: $250,000
Total Annual After Tax Expenses: $90,000
Savings & Investment Accounts: $100,000
Remember there is not a single correct way to calculate your insurance need. This example is meant to help you through the thought process. Let's look at an insurance policy for the husband. We first look at what the duration of the term insurance policy should be. Our top two questions are "when will the mortgage be paid off?" and "when will the kids be done with college?" These are the two most common large expenses that we are insuring against. In this example let's assume they have 20 years left on their mortgage so at a minimum we will be looking at a 20 year term policy since the youngest child will done with their 4 year degree within the next 12 years. So a 20 year term covers both.
Here is how we would calculate the amount. Start with the total amount of debt: $250,000. That is our base amount. Then we need to look at college expense for the kids. Assume $20K per year for each child for a 4 year degree: $160,000. Next we look at how much annual income we need to replace on the husband's life to meet their monthly expense. In this example it will be close to all of it but let's reduce it to $60K per year. It is determined that they will need their current level of income until the mortgage is paid in full so $60,000 x 20 Years = $1,200,000. When you add all of these up they will need a 20 year term policy with a death benefit of $1,610,000. But we also have to take into account that they already have $100,000 in savings and their levels of debt should decrease with each year as time progresses. In this scenario we would most likely recommend a 20 Year Term Policy with a $1.5M death benefit on the husband's life.
The calculation for his wife in this scenario would be similar since they have the same level of income.
About Michael.........
Hi, I'm Michael Ruger. I'm the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.