Coronavirus Relief: $100K 401(k) Loans & Penalty Free Distributions
With the passing of the CARES Act, Congress made new distribution and loan options available within 401(k) plans, IRA’s, and other types of employer sponsored plans.
With the passing of the CARES Act, Congress made new distribution and loan options available within 401(k) plans, IRA’s, and other types of employer sponsored plans. These new distribution options will provide employees and business owners with access to their retirement accounts with the:
10% early withdrawal penalty waived
Option to spread the income tax liability over a 3-year period
Option to repay the distribution and avoid taxes altogether
401(k) loans up to $100,000 with loan payments deferred for 1 year
Many individuals and small businesses are in a cash crunch. Individuals are waiting for their IRS Stimulus Checks and many small business owners are in the process of applying for the new SBA Disaster Loans and SBA Paycheck Protection Loans. Since no one knows at this point how long it will take the IRS checks to arrive or how long it will take to process these new SBA loans, people are looking for access to cash now to help bridge the gap. The CARES Act opened up options within pre-tax retirement accounts to provide that bridge.
10% Early Withdrawal Penalty Waived
Under the CARES Act, “Coronavirus Related Distributions” up to $100,000 are not subject the 10% early withdrawal penalty for individuals under the age of 59½. The exception will apply to distributions from:
Simple IRA
Other types of Employer Sponsored Plans
To qualify for the waiver of the 10% early withdrawal penalty, you must meet one of the following criteria:
You, your spouse, or a dependent was diagnosed with the COVID-19
You are unable to work due to lack of childcare resulting from COVID-19
You own a business that has closed or is operating under reduced hours due to COVID-19
You have experienced adverse financial consequences as a result of being quarantined, furloughed, laid off, or having work hours reduced because of COVID-19
They obviously made the definition very broad and it’s anticipated that a lot of taxpayers will qualify under one of the four criteria listed above. The IRS may also take a similar broad approach in the application of these new qualifying circumstances.
Tax Impact
While the 10% early withdrawal penalty can be waived, in most cases, when you take a distribution from a pre-tax retirement account, you still have to pay income tax on the distribution. That is still true of these Coronavirus Related Distributions but there are options to help either mitigate or completely eliminate the income tax liability associated with taking these distributions from your retirement accounts.
Tax Liability Spread Over 3 Years
Normally when you take a distribution from a pre-tax retirement account, you have to pay income tax on the full amount of the distribution in the year that the distribution takes place.
However, under these new rules, by default, if you take a Coronavirus-Related Distribution from your 401(k), IRA, or other type of employer sponsored plan, the income tax liability will be split evenly between 2020, 2021, and 2022 unless you make a different election. This will help individuals by potentially lowering the income tax liability on these distributions by spreading the income across three separate tax years. However, taxpayers do have the option to voluntarily elect to have the full distribution taxed in 2020. If your income has dropped significantly in 2020, this may be an attractive option instead of deferring that additional income into a tax year where your income has returned to it’s higher level.
1099R Issue
I admittedly have no idea how the tax reporting is going to work for these Coronavirus-Related Distributions. Normally when you take a distribution from a retirement account, the custodian issues you a 1099R Tax Form at the end of the year for the amount of the distribution which is how the IRS cross checks that you reported that income on your tax return. If the default option is to split the distribution evenly between three separate tax years, it would seem logical that the custodians would now have to issue three separate 1099R tax forms for 2020, 2021, and 2022. As of right now, we don’t have any guidance as to how this is going to work.
Repayment Option
There is also a repayment option associated with these Coronavirus Related Distributions, that will provide taxpayers with the option to repay these distributions back into their retirement accounts within a 3-year period and avoid having to pay income tax on these distributions. If individuals elect this option, not only did they avoid the 10% early withdrawal penalty, but they also avoided having to pay tax on the distribution. The distribution essentially becomes an “interest free loan” that you made to yourself using your retirement account.
The 3-year repayment period begins the day after the individual receives the Coronavirus Related Distribution. The repayment is technically treated as a “rollover” similar to the 60 day rollover rule but instead of having only 60 days to process the rollover, taxpayers will have 3 years.
The timing of the repayment is also flexible. You can either repay the distribution as a:
Single lump sum
Partial payments over the course of the 3 year period
Even if you do not repay the full amount of the distribution, any amount that you do repay will avoid income taxation. If you take a Coronavirus Related Distribution, whether you decide to have the distribution split into the three separate tax years or all in 2020, if you repay a portion or all of the distribution within that three year window, you can amend your tax return for the year that the taxes were paid on that distribution, and recoup the income taxes that you paid.
Example: I take a $100,000 distribution from my IRA in April 2020. Since my income is lower in 2020, I elect to have the full distribution taxed to me in 2020, and remit that taxes with my 2020 tax return. The business has a good year in 2021, so in January 2022 I return the full $100,000 to my IRA. I can now amend my 2020 tax return and recapture the income tax that I paid for that $100,000 distribution that qualified as a Coronavirus Related Distribution.
No 20% Withholding Requirement
Normally when you take cash distributions from employee sponsored retirement plans, they are subject to a mandatory 20% federal tax withholding; that requirement has been waived for these Coronavirus Related Distributions up to the $100,000 threshold, so plan participants have access to their full account balance.
Cash Bridge Strategy
Here are some examples as to how individuals and small business owners may be able to use these strategies.
For small business owners that intend to apply for the new SBA Disaster Loan (EIDL) and/or SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), the underwriting process will most likely take a few weeks before the company actually receives the money for the loan. Some businesses need cash sooner than that just to keep the lights on while they are waiting for the SBA money to arrive. A business owner could take a $100,000 from the 401(K) plan, use that money to operate the business, and they have 3 years to return that money to 401(k) plan to avoid having to pay income tax on that distribution. The risk of course, is if the business goes under, then the business owner may not have the cash to repay the loan. In that case, if the owner was under the age of 59½, they avoided the 10% early withdrawal penalty, but would have to pay income tax on the distribution amount.
For individuals and families that are struggling to make ends meet due to the virus containment efforts, they could take a distribution from their retirement account to help subsidize their income while they are waiting for the IRS Stimulus checks to arrive. When they receive the IRS stimulus checks or return to work full time, they can repay the money back into their retirement account prior to the end of the year to avoid the tax liability associated with the distribution for 2020.
401(k) Plan Sponsors
I wanted to issue a special note the plan sponsors of these employer sponsored plans, these Coronavirus Related Distributions are an “optional” feature within the retirement plan. If you want to provide your employees with the opportunity to take these distributions from the plan, you will need to contact your third party administrator, and authorize them to make these distributions. This change will eventually require a plan amendment but companies have until 2022 to amend their plan to allow these Coronavirus Related Distributions to happen now, and the amendment will apply retroactively.
$100,000 Loan Option
The CARES Act also opened up the option to take a $100,000 loan against your 401(k) or 403(b) balance. Normally, the 401(k) maximum loan amount is the lesser of:
50% of your vested balance OR $50,000
The CARES Act includes a provision that will allow plan sponsors to amend their loan program to allow “Coronavirus Related Loans” which increases the maximum loan amount to the lesser of:
100% of your vested balance OR $100,000
To gain access to these higher loan amounts, plan participants have to self attest to the same criteria as the waiver of the 10% early withdrawal penalty. But remember, loans are an optional plan provision within these retirement plans so your plan may or may not allow loans. If the plan sponsors want to allow these high threshold loans, similar to the Coronavirus Related Distributions, they will need to contact their plan administrator authorizing them to do so and process the plan amendment by 2022.
No Loan Payments For 1 Year
Normally when you take a 401(K) loan, the company begins the payroll deductions for your loan payment immediately after you receive the loan. The CARES act will allow plan participants that qualify for these Coronavirus loans to defer loan payments for up to one year. The loan just has to be taken prior to December 31, 2020.
While the CARES ACT provides some new distribution and loan options for individuals impacted by the Coronavirus, there are always downsides to using money in your retirement account for purposes other than retirement. The short list is:
The money is no longer invested
If the distribution is not returned to the account within 3 years, you will have a tax liability
If you use your retirement account to fund the business and the business fails, you could have to work a lot longer than you anticipated
If you take a big 401(k) loan, even though you don’t have to make loan payments now, a year from the issuance of the loan, you will have big deductions from your paycheck as those loan payments are required to begin.
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
IRS Stimulus Checks To Individuals: Eligibility & Timing
The U.S. Senate recently passed the CARES Act which was put in place to help stabilize the economy in the wake of the Coronavirus containment efforts. One of the key items in the bill are the stimulus checks that the IRS will issue to
The U.S. Senate recently passed the CARES Act which was put in place to help stabilize the economy in the wake of the Coronavirus containment efforts. One of the key items in the bill are the stimulus checks that the IRS will issue to individuals and their children. In this article we will review:
The amount of the IRS checks
What makes you eligible to receive a check
Income Limitations & Phaseouts
When To Expect The Payment
Direct Deposit vs Physical Check
Unanswered Questions That Need Clarification
IRS Checks To Individuals
The government plans to immediately begin issuing checks directly to individual taxpayers. Individuals that qualify will be eligible to receive a check for $1,200 plus $500 for each child.
Example: A household that has 2 parents and 3 children may be eligible to receive a payment from the IRS in the amount of $3,900.
Parent 1: $1,200
Parent 2: $1,200
Child 1: $500
Child 2: $500
Child 3: $500
Are You Eligible To Receive A Check From The IRS?
Whether or not you receive a check from the IRS will be depend on your taxable income for either 2019 or 2018.
Single Filer: Less than $75,000
Married Filing Joint: Less Than $150,000
There is a phaseout of the payments between:
Single Filer: $75,000 – $99,000
Married Filing Joint: $150,000 – $198,000
Once above the income limits for a single filer of $99,000 and the joint filer of $198,000, you will not be eligible to receive a check.
If you already filed your taxes for 2019, the IRS will look at your 2019 tax return. If you have not filed your taxes for 2019, then the IRS will look at your income on your 2018 tax return. If you did not file a tax return for either year, then the IRS will look at your wages that were reported to social security in those tax years.
What If You Have Less Income In 2020?
But what happens if you were over those income limits for 2018 and 2019 but because of the Coronavirus, your income will be lower in 2020 making you eligible for the payments? You will not receive a check like everyone else but you will be able to capture the payments as a tax credit when you file your 2020 tax return. The payments from the IRS are really “tax credits” that the government is sending to individuals in advance of the filing of their 2020 tax return. Instead of making individuals wait to file their 2020 tax return, the IRS is sending the money to these individuals now.
Second scenario, what if your income was lower in 2018 and 2019 qualifying you for the IRS check but in 2020 your income will be above the threshold. Answer, we don’t know. As of right now there does not seem to be language in the bill saying that they’re going to recapture the credit when you file your 2020 tax return but this is one of those items that will need to be addressed by the IRS after the fact.
How Long Will It Take To Get The IRS Check?
This is the biggest question mark right now. It seems like the IRS is going to direct deposit these payments to your checking account for anyone that has ACH instructions on file with the IRS. If you have ever received a refund or made tax payments directly from your checking account, this would apply to you. However, what if someone no longer has that bank account? We are not sure how that is going to work. The direct deposits may happen sometime in April.
If the IRS does not have bank account instructions on file, they will have to cut physical checks. The last time Congress issued checks to people as part of a stimulus package was 2008 and it took 2 months for those checks to arrive. If this follows a similar path, individual taxpayers might not receive these IRS checks until May but this is another item that still needs to be addressed by the IRS.
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
$5,000 Penalty Free Distribution From An IRA or 401(k) After The Birth Of A Child or Adoption
New parents have even more to be excited about in 2020. On December 19, 2019, Congress passed the SECURE Act, which now allows parents to withdraw up to $5,000 out of their IRA’s or 401(k) plans following the birth of their child
New parents have even more to be excited about in 2020. On December 19, 2019, Congress passed the SECURE Act, which now allows parents to withdraw up to $5,000 out of their IRA’s or 401(k) plans following the birth of their child without having to pay the 10% early withdrawal penalty. To take advantage of this new distribution option, parents will need to know:
Effective date of the change
Taxes on the distribution
Deadline to make the withdrawal
Is it $5,000 for each parent or a total per couple?
Do all 401(k) plans allow these types of distributions?
Is it a per child or is it a one-time event?
Can you repay the money to your retirement account at a future date?
How does it apply to adoptions?
This article will provide you with answers to these questions and also provide families with advanced tax strategies to reduce the tax impact of these distributions.
The SECURE Act was passed in December 2019 and Section 113 of the Act added a new exception to the 10% early withdrawal penalty for taking distributions from retirement accounts called the “Qualified Birth or Adoption Distribution.”
Prior to the SECURE Act, if you were under the age of 59½ and you distributed pre-tax money from an IRA or 401(k) plan, in addition to having to pay ordinary income tax on the amount distributed, you were also hit with a 10% early withdrawal penalty from the IRS. The IRS prior to the SECURE Act did have a list of exceptions to the 10% penalty but having a child or adopting a child was not on that list. Now it is.
How It Works
After the birth of a child, a parent is allowed to distribute up to $5,000 out of either an IRA or a 401(k) plan. Notice the word “after”. You are not allowed to withdraw the money prior to the child being born. New parents have up to 12 months following the date of birth to process the distribution from their retirement accounts and avoid the 10% early withdrawal penalty.
Example: Jim and Sarah have their first child on May 5, 2020. To help with some of the additional costs of a larger family, Jim decides to withdraw $5,000 out of his rollover IRA. Jim’s window to process that distribution is between May 5, 2020 – May 4, 2021.
The Tax Hit
Assuming Jim is 30 years old, he would avoid having to pay the 10% early withdrawal penalty on the $5,000 but that $5,000 still represents taxable income to him in the year that the distribution takes place. If Jim and Sarah live in New York and make a combined income of $100,000, in 2020, that $5,000 would be subject to federal income tax of 22% and state income tax of 6.45%, resulting in a tax liability of $1,423.
Luckily under the current tax laws, there is a $2,000 federal tax credit for dependent children under the age of 17, which would more than offset the total 22% in fed tax liability ($1,100) created by the $5,000 distribution from the IRA. Essentially reducing the tax bill to $323 which is just the state tax portion.
TAX NOTE: While the $2,000 fed tax credit can be used to offset the federal tax liability in this example, if the IRA distribution was not taken, that $2,000 would have reduced Jim & Sarah’s existing tax liability dollar for dollar.
For more info on the “The Child Tax Credit” see our article: More Taxpayers Will Qualify For The Child Tax Credit
$5,000 Per Parent
But it gets better. The $5,000 limit is available to EACH parent meaning if both parents have a pre-tax IRA or 401(k) plan, they can each distribute up to $5,000 from their retirement accounts within 12 months following the birth of their child and avoid the 10% early withdrawal penalty.
ADVANCED TAX STRATEGY: If both parents are planning to distribute the full $5,000 out of their retirement accounts and they are in a medium to high tax bracket, it may make sense to split the two distributions between separate tax years.
Example: Scott and Linda have a child on October 3, 2020 and they both plan to take the full $5,000 out of their IRA accounts. If they are in a 24% federal tax bracket and they process both distributions prior to December 31, 2020, the full $10,000 would be taxable to them in 2020. This would create a $2,400 federal tax liability. Since this amount is over the $2,000 child tax credit, they will have to be prepared to pay the additional $400 federal income tax when they file their taxes since it was not fully offset by the $2,000 tax credit.
In addition, by taking the full $10,000 in the same tax year, Scott and Linda also run the risk of making that income subject to a higher tax rate. If instead, Linda processes her distribution in November 2020 and Scott waits until January 2021 to process his $5,000 IRA distribution, it could result in a lower tax liability and less out of pocket expense come tax time.
Remember, you have 12 months following the date of birth to process the distribution and qualify for the 10% early withdrawal exemption.
$5,000 For Each Child
This 10% early withdrawal exemption is available for each child that is born. It does not have a lifetime limit.
Example: Building on the Scott and Linda example above, they have their first child October 2020, and both of them process a $5,000 distribution from their IRA’s avoiding the 10% penalty. They then have their second child in November 2021. Both Scott and Linda would be eligible to withdraw another $5,000 each out of their IRA or 401(k) within 12 months after the birth of their second child and again avoid having to pay the 10% early withdrawal penalty.
IRS Audit
One question that we have received is “Do I need to keep track of what I spend the money on in case I’m ever audited by the IRS?” The short answer is “No”. The new law does not require you to keep track of what the money was spent on. The birth of your child is the “qualifying event” which makes you eligible to distribute the $5,000 penalty free.
Not All 401(k) Plans Will Allow These Distributions
Starting in 2020, this 10% early withdrawal exception will apply to all pre-tax IRA accounts but it does not automatically apply to all 401(k), 403(b), or other types of qualified employer sponsored retirement plans.
While the SECURE Act “allows” these penalty free distributions to be made, companies can decide whether or not they want to provide this special distribution option to their employees. For employers that have existing 401(k) or 403(b) plans, if they want to allow these penalty free distributions to employees after the birth of a child, they will need to contact their third-party administrator and request that the plan be amended.
For companies that intend to add this distribution option to their plan, they may need to be patient with the timeline for the change. 401(k) providers will most likely need to update their distribution forms, tax codes on their 1099R forms, and update their recordkeeping system to accommodate this new type of distribution.
Ability To Repay The Distribution
The new law also offers parents the option to repay the amounts to their retirement account that were distributed due to a qualified birth or adoption. The repayment of the amounts previously distributed from the IRA or 401(k) would be in addition to the annual contribution limits. There is not a lot of clarity at this point as to how these “repayments” will work so we will have to wait for future guidance from the IRS on this feature.
The 10% early withdrawal exception also applies to adoptions. An individual is allowed to take a distribution from their retirement account up to $5,000 for any children under the age of 18 that is adopted. Similar to the timing rules of the birth of a child, the distribution must take place AFTER the adoption is finalized, but within 12 months following that date. Any money distributed from retirement accounts prior to the adoption date will be subject to the 10% penalty for individuals under the age of 59½.
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
IRA RMD Start Date Changed From Age 70 ½ to Age 72 Starting In 2020
The SECURE Act was passed into law on December 19, 2019 and with it came some big changes to the required minimum distribution (“RMD”) requirements from IRA’s and retirement plans. Prior to December 31, 2019, individuals
The SECURE Act was passed into law on December 19, 2019 and with it came some big changes to the required minimum distribution (“RMD”) requirements from IRA’s and retirement plans. Prior to December 31, 2019, individuals were required to begin taking mandatory distributions from their IRA’s, 401(k), 403(b), and other pre-tax retirement accounts starting in the year that they turned age 70 ½. The SECURE Act delayed the start date of the RMD’s to age 72. But like most new laws, it’s not just a simple and straightforward change. In this article we will review:
Old Rules vs New Rules surrounding RMD’s
New rules surrounding Qualified Charitable Distributions from IRA’s
Who is still subject to the 70 ½ RMD requirement?
The April 1st delay rule
Required Minimum Distributions
A quick background on required minimum distributions, also referred to as RMD’s. Prior to the SECURE Act, when you turned age 70 ½ the IRS required you to take small distributions from your pre-tax IRA’s and retirement accounts each year. For individuals that did not need the money, they did not have a choice. They were forced to withdraw the money out of their retirement accounts and pay tax on the distributions. Under the current life expectancy tables, in the year that you turned age 70 ½ you were required to take a distribution equaling 3.6% of the account balance as of the previous year end.
With the passing of the SECURE Act, the start age from these RMD’s is now delayed until the calendar year that an individual turns age 72.
OLD RULE: Age 70 ½ RMD Begin Date
NEW RULE: Age 72 RMD Begin Date
Still Subject To The Old 70 ½ Rule
If you turned age 70 ½ prior to December 31, 2019, you will still be required to take RMD’s from your retirement accounts under the old 70 ½ RMD rule. You are not able to delay the RMD’s until age 72.
Example: Sarah was born May 15, 1949. She turned 70 on May 15, 2019 making her age 70 ½ on November 15, 2019. Even though she technically could have delayed her first RMD to April 1, 2020, she will not be able to avoid taking the RMD’s for 2019 and 2020 even though she will be under that age of 72 during those tax years.
Here is a quick date of birth reference to determine if you will be subject to the old 70 ½ start date or the new age 72 start date:
Date of Birth Prior to July 1, 1949: Subject to Age 70 ½ start date for RMD
Date of Birth On or After July 1, 1949: Subject to Age 72 start date for RMD
April 1 Exception Retained
OLD RULE: In the the year that an individual turned age 70 ½, they had the option to delay their first RMD until April 1st of the following year. This is a tax strategy that individuals engaged in to push that additional taxable income associated with the RMD into the next tax year. However, in year 2, the individual was then required to take two RMD’s in that calendar year: One prior to April 1st for the previous tax year and the second prior to December 31st for the current tax year.
NEW RULE: Unchanged. The April 1st exception for the first RMD year was retained by the SECURE Act as well as the requirement that if the RMD was voluntarily delayed until the following year that two RMD’s would need be taken in the second year.
Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD)
OLD RULES: Individuals that had reached the RMD age of 70 ½ had the option to distribute all or a portion of their RMD directly to a charitable organization to avoid having to pay tax on the distribution. This option was reserved only for individuals that had reached age 70 ½. In conjunction with tax reform that took place a few years ago, this has become a very popular option for individuals that make charitable contributions because most individual taxpayers are no longer able to deduct their charitable contributions under the new tax laws.
NEW RULES: With the delay of the RMD start date to age 72, do individuals now have to wait until age 72 to be eligible to make qualified charitable distributions? The answer is thankfully no. Even though the RMD start date is delayed until age 72, individuals will still be able to make tax free charitable distributions from their IRA’s in the calendar year that they turn age 70 ½. The limit on QCDs is still $100,000 for each calendar year.
NOTE: If you plan to process a qualified charitable distributions from your IRA after age 70 ½, you have to be well aware of the procedures for completing those special distributions otherwise it could cause those distributions to be taxable to the owner of the IRA. See the article below for more on this topic:
ANOTHER NEW RULE: There is a second new rule associated with the SECURE Act that will impact this Qualified Charitable Distribution strategy. Under the old tax law, individuals were unable to contribute to Traditional IRA’s past the age of 70 ½. The SECURE Act eliminated that rule so individuals that have earned income past age 70 ½ will be eligible to make contributions to Traditional IRAs and take a tax deduction for those contributions.
As an anti-abuse provision, any contributions made to a Traditional IRA past the age of 70 ½ will, in aggregate, dollar for dollar, reduce the amount of your qualified charitable distribution that is tax free.
Example: A 75 year old retiree was working part-time making $20,000 per year for the past 3 years. To reduce her tax bill, she contributed $7,000 per year to a traditional IRA which is allowed under the new tax laws. This year she is required to take a $30,000 required minimum distribution (RMD) from her retirement accounts and she wants to direct that all to charity to avoid having to pay tax on the $30,000. Because she contributed $21,000 to a traditional IRA past the age of 70 ½, $21,000 of the qualified charitable distribution would be taxable income to her, while the remaining $9,000 would be a tax free distribution to the charity.
$30,000 QCD – $21,000 IRA Contribution After Age 70 ½ = $9,000 tax free QCD
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
New Rules For Non Spouse Beneficiaries Of Retirement Accounts Starting In 2020
The SECURE Act was signed into law on December 19, 2019 and with it comes some very important changes to the options that are available to non-spouse beneficiaries of IRA’s, 401(k), 403(b), and other types of retirement accounts
The SECURE Act was signed into law on December 19, 2019 and with it comes some very important changes to the options that are available to non-spouse beneficiaries of IRA’s, 401(k), 403(b), and other types of retirement accounts starting in 2020. Unfortunately, with the passing of this law, Congress took away one of the most valuable distribution options available to non-spouse beneficiaries called the “stretch” provision. Non-spouse beneficiaries would utilize this distribution option to avoid the tax hit associated with having to take big distributions from pre-tax retirement accounts in a single tax year. This article will cover:
The old inherited IRA rules vs. the new inherited IRA rules
The new “10 Year Rule”
Who is grandfathered in under the old inherited IRA rules?
Impact of the new rules on minor children beneficiaries
Tax traps awaiting non spouse beneficiaries of retirement accounts
The “Stretch” Option Is Gone
The SECURE Act’s elimination of the stretch provision will have a big impact on non-spouse beneficiaries. Prior to January 1, 2020, non-spouse beneficiaries that inherited retirement accounts had the option to either:
Take a full distribution of the retirement account within 5 years
Rollover the balance to an inherited IRA and stretch the distributions from the retirement account over their lifetime. Also known as the “stretch option”.
Since any money distributed from a pre-tax retirement account is taxable income to the beneficiary, many non-spouse beneficiaries would choose the stretch option to avoid the big tax hit associated with taking larger distributions from a retirement account in a single year. Under the old rules, if you did not move the money to an inherited IRA by December 31st of the year following the decedent’s death, you were forced to take out the full account balance within a 5 year period.
On the flip side, the stretch option allowed these beneficiaries to move the retirement account balance from the decedent’s retirement account into their own inherited IRA tax and penalty free. The non-spouse beneficiary was then only required to take small distributions each year from the account called a RMD (“required minimum distribution”) but was allowed to keep the retirement account intact and continuing to accumulate tax deferred over their lifetime. A huge benefit!
The New 10 Year Rule
For non-spouse beneficiaries, the stretch option was replaced with the “10 Year Rule” which states that the balance in the inherited retirement account needs to be fully distributed by the end of the 10th year following the decedent’s date of death. The loss of the stretch option will be problematic for non-spouse beneficiaries that inherit sizable retirement accounts because they will be forced to take larger distributions exposing those pre-tax distributions to higher tax rates.
No RMD Requirement Under The 10 Year Rule
Even though the stretch option has been lost, beneficiaries will have some flexibility as to the timing of when distributions will take place from their inherited IRA. Unlike the stretch provision that required the non-spouse beneficiary to start taking the RMD’s the year following the decedent’s date of death, there are no RMD requirements associated with the new 10 year rule. Meaning in extreme cases, the beneficiary could choose not to take any distributions from the retirement account for 9 years and then in year 10 distribute the full account balance.
Now, unless you love paying taxes, very few people would elect to distribute a large pre-tax retirement account balance in a single tax year but the new rules give you a decade to coordinate a distribution strategy that will help you to manage your tax liability under the new rules.
Tax Traps For Non-Spouse Beneficiaries
These new inherited IRA distribution rules are going to require pro-active tax and financial planning for the beneficiaries of these retirement accounts. I’m lumping financial planning into that mix because taking distributions from pre-tax retirement accounts increases your taxable income which could cause the following things to happen:
Reduce the amount of college financial aid that your child is receiving
Increase the amount of your social security that is considered taxable income
Loss of property tax credits such as the Enhanced STAR Program
Increase your Medicare Part B and Part D premiums the following year
You may phase out of certain tax credits or deductions that you were previously receiving
Eliminate your ability to contribute to a Roth IRA
Loss of Medicaid or Special Needs benefits
Ordinary income and capital gains taxed at a higher rate
You really have to plan out the next 10 years and determine from a tax and financial planning standpoint what is the most advantageous way to distribute the full balance of the inherited IRA to minimize the tax hit and avoid triggering an unexpected financial consequence associated with having additional income during that 10 year period.
Who Is Grandfathered In?
If you are the non-spouse beneficiary of a retirement account and the decedent passed away prior to January 1, 2020, you are grandfathered in under the old inherited IRA rules. Meaning you are still able to utilize the stretch provision. Here are a few examples:
Example 1: If you had a parent pass away in 2018 and in 2019 you rolled over their IRA into your own inherited IRA, you are not subject to the new 10 year rule. You are allowed to stretch the IRA distributions over your lifetime in the form of those RMD’s.
Example 2: On December 15, 2019, you father passed away and you are listed as the beneficiary on his 401(k) account. Since he passed away prior to January 1, 2020, you would still have the option of setting up an Inherited IRA prior to December 31, 2020 and then stretching the distributions over your lifetime.
Example 3: On February 3, 2020, your uncle passes away and you are listed as a beneficiary on his Rollover IRA. Since he passed away after January 1, 2020, you would be required to distribute the full IRA balance prior to December 31, 2030.
You are also grandfathered in under the old rules if:
The beneficiary is the spouse
Disabled beneficiaries
Chronically Ill beneficiaries
Individuals who are NOT more than 10 years younger than the decendent
Certain minor children (see below)
Even beyond 2020, the beneficiaries listed above will still have the option to rollover the balance into their own inherited IRA and then stretch the required minimum distributions over their lifetime.
Minor Children As Beneficiaries
The rules are slightly different if the beneficiary is the child of the decedent AND they are still a minor. I purposely capitalized the word “and”. Within the new law is a “Special Rule for Minor Children” section that states if the beneficiary is a child of the decedent but has not reached the age of majority, then the child will be able to take age-based RMD’s from the inherited IRA but only until they reach the age of majority. Once they are no longer a minor, they are required to distribute the remainder of the retirement account balance within 10 years.
Example: A mother and father pass away in a car accident and the beneficiaries listed on their retirement accounts are their two children, Jacob age 10, and Sarah age 8. Jacob and Sarah would be able to move the balances from their parent’s retirements accounts into an inherited IRA and then just take small required minimum distributions from the account based on their life expectancy until they reach age 18. In their state of New York, age 18 is the age of majority. The entire inherited IRA would then need to be fully distributed to them before the end of the calendar year of their 28th birthday.
This exception only applies if they are a child of the decedent. If a minor child inherits a retirement account from a non-parent, such as a grandparent, then they are immediately subject to the 10 year rule.
Note: the age of majority varies by state.
Plans Not Impacted Until January 1, 2022
The replacement of the stretch option with the new 10 Year Rule will impact most non-spouse beneficiaries in 2020. There are a few exceptions to that effective date:
403(b) & 457 plans sponsored by state and local governments, including Thrift Savings Plans sponsored by the Federal Government will not lose the stretch option until January 1, 2022
Plans maintained pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement also do not lose the stretch option until January 1, 2022
Advanced Planning
Under the old inherited IRA rules there was less urgency for immediate tax planning because the non-spouse beneficiaries just had to move the money into an inherited IRA the year after the decedent passed away and in most cases the RMD's were relatively small resulting in a minimal tax impact. For non-spouse beneficiaries that inherit a retirement account after January 1, 2020, it will be so important to have a tax plan and financial plan in place as soon as possible otherwise you could lose a lot of your inheritance to higher taxes or other negative consequences associated with having more income during those distribution years.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions on the new inherited IRA rules. We would also be more than happy to share with you some of the advanced tax strategies that we will be using with our clients to help them to minimize the tax impact of the new 10 year rule.
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.